Events List Grid Template

The Events Grid View Template for Event Smart will display your events in a grid format.

An active subscription for the Events List Grid Template feature upgrade is needed to use the grid template on your Event Smart website.

Basic Usage

You place the following shortcode on a Event Smart post or page:


This is the default template, it displays events in a pure CSS grid like structure, using the featured image. Hovering over the image will display further information. If the event does not have a featured image available, it will use a default one. Optionally, a small code change in the template can allow you to use the Organization Logo from the General settings as the fallback image.

The default image is a white image with black text that states “Image Coming Soon”. You can change this by setting the ‘default_image’ parameter to an URL of an image.

Standard shortcode parameters


limit = 10 (how many records to pull),
show_expired = FALSE (excludes expired events),
month = NULL (retrieve events by month),
category_slug = NULL (pull events from a certain category, using the category slug),
order_by = start_date (order by start date instead of title),
sort = ASC (sort order, such as ASC, DESC)

Grid Specific Shortcodes

button_text = “Register Now!” (text shown on hover),
alt_button_text = “View Details” (used when registration is turned off or an alternate URL is used),
default_image = image URL (eg.

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