How to apply a refund
An attendee or registrant may change their mind about an event or, an event may be unexpectedly canceled. In these cases, you can create a refund to return the funds to the attendee or registrant.
Refunds in Event Smart are a two-step process:
- Apply the refund in Event Smart through the Transaction details screen
- Create a refund through your merchant account
Apply the refund in Event Smart through the Transaction details screen
From your Event Smart dashboard, look in the left admin menus and click on Transaction. You’ll now be viewing the Transactions overview screen.
Use the search option in the top right to search for the registrant’s name or email address. Then click on the transaction record, and you’ll be taken to the transaction details screen.
Scroll down to the Payment Details area which appears about midway down the page. Below that you will see a button that says Apply Refund. Click on the Apply Refund button and a small window will appear. Verify that the details are correct and then click on the Apply Refund button to apply the changes.
This will cancel the registration and update the event to add the spaces that are now available from the cancellation.
Create a refund through your merchant account
Now log into your merchant account. For example, if you accept payments through Stripe, then you would log in to your Stripe account.
Search for the registrant’s payment and apply the refund.
This will return the funds to the attendee.