Why is my event sold out or expired?

A limit can be set on the date time which is when an event takes place. A limit can also be set on the pricing option that is connected to a date time. An event becomes sold out when one of these limits is reached on the event.

An event becomes expired when the Event End date passes for the date time or when the Sell Until date passes for the pricing option that is connected to a date time.

Things to check

- If your event is sold out, then check the limits that are set on the date time and the pricing option
- If your event is expired, then check the dates that are set on the event. If the times are correct, but your event is still expired, then your timezone on your website may not be set correctly. Update your time zone. Then immediately update the event through the event editor to make sure that the times are correct. Then save changes to the event.
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