Manually Check-in and Track Attendance

Attendees/registrants can be checked-in to an event by using the Event Check-in screen in your Event Smart dashboard. 

Login to your Event Smart dashboard. Then locate Event Smart in the admin menus and click on Registrations. On the next screen, click on the Event Check-in tab. On the next screen, you can select your event from the dropdown menu and then click on the Filter button.

You'll now see a list of Attendees/registrants for your event. Individual attendees/registrants can be checked in by clicking on the X icon in the event check-in status column. This will change the status for that attendee to checked-in. You can then check them out by again clicking on the new icon.

A bulk check-in option is also available. Place a checkmark next to the multiple attendees. Then click on the Bulk Actions dropdown and then select Toggle Check-in. Finally, click on the Apply button. 

You can check-in/out each attendee by clicking the X or square box:

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