Website Settings > General Settings

General Settings

Site title
Enter the name of your site here. Most themes will display this title, at the top of every page, and in the reader's browser titlebar.

In a few words, explain what your site is about. Your sites's slogan, or tagline, might be entered here. A tagline is short phrase, or sentence, used to convey the essence of the site and is often funny or eye-catching.

E-mail Address
Enter the e-mail address to which you want Event Smart to send messages regarding the administration and maintenance of your Event Smart site. The address you enter here will never be displayed on the site.

From the pulldown box, choose a city in the same timezone as you. For example, under America, select New York if you reside in the Eastern Timezone of the United States that honors daylight savings times. If you can't identify a city in your timezone, select one of the Etc GMT settings that represents the number of hours by which your time differs from Greenwich Mean Time. Click the Save Changes button and the UTC time and "Local time" will display to confirm the correct Timezone was selected.

Date Format
The format in which to display dates on your site. Click the Save Changes button and the "Output" example below will show the current date in the format entered. See Formatting Date and Time for some of the formats available.

Time Format
The format in which to display times on your site. Click the Save Changes button and the "Output" example below will show the current time in the format entered. See Formatting Date and Time for some of the formats available.

Week Starts On
Select your preferred start date for Event Smart calendars from the drop-down box. Monday is the default setting for this drop-down, meaning a monthly calendar will show Monday in the first column. If you want your calendar to show Sunday as the first column, then select Sunday from the drop-down.

Site Language
The Event Smart dashboard language.

Save Changes

Click the Save Changes button to ensure any changes you have made to your Settings are saved to your database. Once you click the button, a confirmation text box will appear at the top of the page telling you your settings have been saved.

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