Custom CSS

The Custom CSS upgrade will let you customize the styling on your Event Smart site.

An active subscription for the Custom CSS feature upgrade is needed to use custom styling on your Event Smart website.

It is also included in the business plan. Want to upgrade to this plan? Make the switch from your My Account page on

You will find the new menu button “Custom CSS” under Appearance. Here you can start to add your custom CSS styles.

After saving your new CSS you can check your changes in the browser.

Finding the Right CSS Properties in Your Theme

If you’re not sure which CSS property to customize in your theme in order to achieve your desired changes, you can use browser developer tools such as the ” Inspect Element” (e.g. in Firefox or Chrome) or browser Add-ons like Firebug (for Safari, Chrome and Firefox).

Here you can find more detailed information on how to use the browser dev tools for Chrome or Firebug for Firefox.

Use !important

Since your new CSS rules will overwrite the themes CSS properties by default, in most cases you won’t need to add the !important rule. If a CSS property can not be changed, you can use !important. like in the following example:

.entry-details {
text-transform: none !important;
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