How to Hide the Pricing Information on the Registration Page
This tutorial requires the Custom CSS upgrade.
Sometimes you might want to hide the Price column in the registration page selector. For example, free events with multiple tickets will show several ticket options with $0.00 prices. You can use CSS to hid the pricing column in the ticket selector for all events or certain events.
This is the code to hide all the pricing information for all registration page on your event website:
.spco-ticket-info-dv table thead tr th:nth-of-type(3), .spco-ticket-info-dv table thead tr th:nth-of-type(4), .spco-ticket-info-dv table tbody tr .item_c, .spco-ticket-info-dv table tbody tr .item_r { display: none; }
The following CSS can be used to hide the pricing information on the registration step of a certain event. If the event has a ticket with ID 14 you can use:
.spco-attendee-ticket-14 .spco-ticket-info-dv table thead tr th:nth-of-type(3), .spco-attendee-ticket-14 .spco-ticket-info-dv table thead tr th:nth-of-type(4), .spco-attendee-ticket-14 .spco-ticket-info-dv table tbody tr .item_c, .spco-attendee-ticket-14 .spco-ticket-info-dv table tbody tr .item_r { display: none; }
If your event has multiple tickets you need to repeat the above for each ticket for that event.