
This page shows shortcodes that are currently available for Event Smart.

In this article

NOTE: This page is a work in progress and will be updated as additional shortcodes are added to Event Smart.

Using Shortcodes

A shortcode is a Event Smart specific code that lets you do nifty things with very little effort. Shortcodes can embed files or create objects, display lists, etc. that would normally require lots of complicated, ugly code in just one line. Shortcode = shortcut.

Copy and paste a shortcode into the content area of a page or post. You can also and/or modify the shortcode to make it specific to your event or attendees.

Event Listings Shortcode

Displays a list of events based on a set of criteria on a page or post. Unless otherwise specified, events are sorted by start date.

  • Show a list of all of your events [ESPRESSO_EVENTS]
  • Showed your events including expired events [ESPRESSO_EVENTS show_expired=true]
  • Set a custom title for the event list
    [ESPRESSO_EVENTS title="My Super Event List"]
  • Limit (paginate) the number of events that are shown in the event list on a page or post [ESPRESSO_EVENTS limit=5]
  • Filter the event list by month and year
    [ESPRESSO_EVENTS month="December 2015"]
  • Show expired events in the event list [ESPRESSO_EVENTS show_expired=true]
  • Sorts the event list in ascending order [ESPRESSO_EVENTS sort=ASC]
  • Sorts the event list in descending order [ESPRESSO_EVENTS sort=DESC]
  • Order the event list by a specific set of parameters (refer to available options below) [ESPRESSO_EVENTS order_by=start_date,id]

These parameters (options) are available for the shortcode above. Multiple parameters should be separated by a comma.

id start_date end_date event_name category_slug ticket_start ticket_end venue_title city state

Event Ticket Selector Shortcode

  • Display a ticket selector for an event on a page or post [ESPRESSO_TICKET_SELECTOR event_id=your_event_id]

Event Categories Shortcode

  • Display a list of events from a specific category on a page or post [ESPRESSO_EVENTS category_slug=your_event_category_slug]

Event Attendees Shortcode

This shortcode represents the link between attendees and a specific event. The attendees are displayed in a list with First Name and Last Name. For example:

  • John Doe
  • Jane Doe
  • Robert Redford
  • Scarlette O'hara
  • Barack Obama

Here are specific types of shortcodes for specific

  • List approved attendees for the earliest active event or the earliest upcoming event [ESPRESSO_EVENT_ATTENDEES]

    With no parameters set, this shows the attendees for the earliest active event or if there is no active event, then the earliest upcoming event is shown. If it is used in the event description area (via your event editor), then it will show the attendees for that specific event.

  • List the attendees for a specific event [ESPRESSO_EVENT_ATTENDEES event_id=your_event_id]

    your_event_id is a numeric ID for your event and it can be found by looking at the ID column in the Events Overview screen in your WP Dashboard.

  • List the attendees for a specific datetime [ESPRESSO_EVENT_ATTENDEES datetime_id=datetime_id_for_event]

    datetime_id_for_event is a numeric ID for your datetime and it can be found by looking at the ID which appears for a datetime when you have clicked the advanced options (gear icon) for a specific datetime in the datetimes editor within the event editor in your WP Dashboard.

  • List the attendees for a specific ticket [ESPRESSO_EVENT_ATTENDEES ticket_id=ticket_id_for_event]

    ticket_id_for_event is a numeric ID for your ticket and it can be found by looking at the ID which appears for a ticket when you have clicked the advanced options (gear icon) for a specific ticket in the ticket editor within the event editor in your WP Dashboard.

  • List attendees with Gravatars [ESPRESSO_EVENT_ATTENDEES show_gravatar=true]
  • List attendees with a specific registration status [ESPRESSO_EVENT_ATTENDEES status=status_code_here]

These parameters (status options) are available for the shortcode above. Use "all" to return all attendees regardless of status. If this parameter is not set, then the shortcode will return attendees/registrants with a status of approved.

  • status=RAP (shows attendees with a registration status of approved. This is the default behavior.)
  • status=RCN (shows attendees with a registration status of cancelled.) 
  • status=RDC (shows attendees with a registration status of declined.) 
  • status=RIC (shows attendees with a registration status of incomplete.) 
  • status=RNA (shows attendees with a registration status of not approved.) 
  • status=RPP (shows attendees with a registration status of pending payment.)

NOTE: This page is a work in progress and will be updated as additional shortcodes are added to Event Smart.

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